The loading page image of Galagos Ruins will be changed. The acquisition points for some items have been removed. Acquisition/Purchase Points for some equipment and items have been added. and have been added to the crafting list in the Dressroom. There will be a surprise Collection Challenge. Casslan Area Exploration will be completed if the goal has been achieved. The first Guild Siege Battle season will start on Jul. 5★ Hero/Legend Rune Box reward available from Guild Raid will be changed to 6★ Hero/Legend Rune Box.
5★ Mermaid (All Attributes) - Diver Mermaid. 5★ Hell Lady (All Attributes) - Beach Hell Lady. 5★ Hell Lady and 5★ Mermaid’s transmogrifications are available for purchase via the - tab. Only Monsters in an Awakened state can use transmogrification. You can change the Monsters’ appearance via. A new transmogrification that allows you to change the appearance of Monsters will be added. Candy Cane, Lucky Hammer, Feat, Lucky Pouch, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate, Strawberry Chocolate, Rainbow Powder, Rainbow Shard, Rainbow Feather, Cloud Cotton Candy, Spring Flower, Basket, Party Balloon, Sweet Lollipop. Following event currencies from ended events will be added to the Event Exchange Shop. The damage of the skill of boss Farakel in will be increased slightly. 2-man Raid: Mana Regen SPD increases by 20%. 1-man Raid: Mana Regen SPD increases by 45%. Luna's Aid” buff, which is given when there are fewer th an 3 Summoners in the Elite Raid. Mana Regen SPD UP effect will be added to the “Prof. The clear rewards for each floor are as follows. Attribute Towers will be expanded from 110F to 130F. The overall difficulty of the existing floors up to 140F has been reduced. Spires of Ascension will be expanded from 140F to 150F. * Rate UP Summon mileage is accumulated separately and does not add up. * New Monster Rate UP Summon will be held separately for Fire/Water/Wind. To summon Fire/Water/Wind Dragon Knight with a higher chance! Details : Select the Rate UP Summon for the desired attribute at the ▶ New Monster (Fire/Water/Wind) Rate UP Summon
* Dragon Knight Pieces will not appear in the Piece Exchange Shop for a certain period. #Provoke #Silence #Block Harmful Effect Removal #HP Recovery #Skill Cooldown DOWN #DMG based on its MAX HP #CRIT DMG UP #CRIT DMG Taken DOWN #Counterattack #HP Recovery #DMG based on its MAX HP #DMG Mitigation Ignoring DMG #DEF UP #Skill Deceleration #DMG based on DEF #DEF UP #Frostbite #HP Recovery # Remove Harmful Effect #DMG based on DEF #DMG Mitigation Ignoring DMG #Immunity #Shield #Stun #DMG Mitigation Ignoring DMG
The details of 5★ Monster Dragon Knight for each attribute are as follows. 5★ Monster Dragon Knight has been summoned to the world of Chronicles. We would like to inform you about the Jun.